Why Create Us?

To answer fully is beyond the scope of this blog. Read the most popular book ever written: The Holy Bible.

To answer briefly let us turn to the book of revelations chapter 4 verse 11. It says we have been created for His pleasure. (Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.’) Colossians 1.16 reiterates this point: ’all things were created by him, and for him:’

We can draw an analogy between our relationship with our earthly parents and our heavenly Father. Why does a man and his wife desire to have children? The answer is the joy of a little child, to replicate themselves through creation, to have fellowship with that little kid. God established and uses the family relationship to illustrate our relationship to our Father in heaven.

Worldly men presume that God was dissatisfied with His existence or that He became lonely. Its so not true. Psalms 8.5 says that “He (God) crowns him (man) with glory and honor”, for it is His pleasure to do so.

If God had not created us, the righteous would never have an opportunity to love and be loved by the One who is everlasting and full of pleasures forevermore. If the righteous were to miss out on the Magnificent God, would that be fair? I thank God that He gave me this opportunity to bask in His love now and forever and to Love Him in return.

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