What happens when God dwells within me?

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 2 Cr 6.16 KJV

God calls us His temple, His dwelling place. So what happens when God dwells within me? The Word promises that He will ‘walk’ in us. What does that mean, ‘to walk in (me)’?

The Greek word ‘Emperipateo’ meaning to ‘perambulate’ is translated here as ‘walk’. To perambulate means ‘to walk through’ or ‘to make an official inspection of (a boundary)’. Thus it means to walk up and down an area in a supervisory manner. A supervisor keeps moving around, checking the bounds to maintain the integrity of the borders. If he discovers a problem, he quickly fixes it.

Thus when God said in 2 Cr 6.16, ‘I will dwell in them, and walk in them’, He meant that he would perambulate in us. The border is our bodies and His reason for perambulating within our bodies is to ensure that nothing alien breaks in, and if there is any problem he quickly fixes or renews it as required. Halleluiah!

Does that reassure you? It sure does reassure me.

What must be our aim?

The aim of every believer is to become like Christ. To be like Christ you must develop the mind of Christ. The New Testament calls this mental shift “repentance,” which in Greek literally means “to change your mind.”

 In the Bible, the word ‘Repentance’ or ‘to repent’ means to change the way you think – about God, yourself, sin, other people, life, your future, and everything else, and you adopt Christ’s outlook and perspective on life.