Adam’s will not Adam’s Apple

Having established the fact that God created humans for His pleasure in my previous post let us now turn our attention to another interesting fact that is recorded in the first book of the Bible.


The first two chapters of Genesis deals with the creation of the world and everything in it. Even a causal reader recognizes that God created the physical universe for the human race whom he created in His own image and likeness.


Have you ever been an expectant parent or have you been around one? Every expectant mother or father has an aura of expectancy surrounding them. They are also very busy preparing their world for the new baby(ies). Every parent wants to make the arrival and life of the little bundle of joy the most memorable one.


Genesis 1 talks about an eager Father who went about in an magnificient manner to prepare a home for the arrival of His numero uno  creation. God brought into exsistence everything humans could ever possibly desire, then He created man.


Kings beget kings. Thus man who was created with dominion over the physical realm was created king of the natural realm.  God brought every living creature before the man to be named by him. The man exercised his kingly will by doing so.


God permitted man to exercise his will. Man saw all the creatures God had created but he recognized no mate for himself. Yet he was content. However, the Omniscient (all knowing) God, created a mate for man. This mate/helper was then presented before man the same way the other creations were presented. However, Adam recognized ‘bone of (his) bone and flesh of (his)flesh’, named her ‘woman for she was taken out of man’ and took her for himself. Did you get that that? God did not force the woman upon man but man recognized his other-half and took her to himself. Then God gave one of His first commands to man: ‘For this reason (for man is incomplete by himself) a man shall leave his father and mother and be united (cleave) to his wife, and they will become one flesh.


God’s words are  eternal and they are never uttered in vain. Every word spoken by God is established for all eternity. This is why when questioned about divorce, Jesus answers by quoting the scripture quoted above. Jesus, the very Word of God, elucidates the intent of God’s word in Matthew 19.4-6. In verse 6 Jesus says, “So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”


Here we see a great eternal principle played out. Man created with free will is allowed to exercise it in deciding his mate, and then God blesses their union and establishes the family establishment. Through this fundamental institution God continues to teach mankind His ways and His will.

Why Create Us?

To answer fully is beyond the scope of this blog. Read the most popular book ever written: The Holy Bible.

To answer briefly let us turn to the book of revelations chapter 4 verse 11. It says we have been created for His pleasure. (Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.’) Colossians 1.16 reiterates this point: ’all things were created by him, and for him:’

We can draw an analogy between our relationship with our earthly parents and our heavenly Father. Why does a man and his wife desire to have children? The answer is the joy of a little child, to replicate themselves through creation, to have fellowship with that little kid. God established and uses the family relationship to illustrate our relationship to our Father in heaven.

Worldly men presume that God was dissatisfied with His existence or that He became lonely. Its so not true. Psalms 8.5 says that “He (God) crowns him (man) with glory and honor”, for it is His pleasure to do so.

If God had not created us, the righteous would never have an opportunity to love and be loved by the One who is everlasting and full of pleasures forevermore. If the righteous were to miss out on the Magnificent God, would that be fair? I thank God that He gave me this opportunity to bask in His love now and forever and to Love Him in return.