Bearing One Another’s Burdens

Galatians 6:2 ” Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

If you are looking for a way to carry out Christ’s command to love your neighbor, Paul has a suggestion: bear their burdens. At some point, everyone struggles under the weight of an oppressive situation. As fellow believers we have an obligation to get under that load.

Jesus sets the pattern for burden bearing. He calls to Himself all who are heavy-laden and gives them rest (Matt. 11:28-29).  Since God predestines believers to be conformed to Christ’s likeness, we must imitate His care and concern for those who suffer.

A believer cannot wait until his life clears of obstacles before reaching out to others, since that day may never come. Even though we have our own needs, we can do all things through Christ’s strength–including sharing someone else’s adversity (2 Cor. 12:9).

When you’re willing to wade into someone else’s troubles and help that person hold up under the weight, two things happen. First, he or she receives desperately needed blessings in the form of aid, support, and love. And second, you fulfill God’s command to love a neighbor as yourself. 

Acts 4:32 shows that the early church followed His example. To lift the load of poverty, they pooled their resources so that no one was in need.

How can you and I practically fulfill God’s second most important command? Pray, “Lord, I want to obey you.  Show me what you would have me do”.