Faith is ….

Faith assures us of things we expect and convince us of the existence of things we cannot see. Heb 11:1


Faith is birthed within us when we hear the word of God repeatedly. We need to pay attention, take heed to the Word that we hear, for it to bring forth the faith that is spoken of in the Bible.

 Faith first leads us to put our confidence in Christ, our savior. God gives every born again child of God a measure of Faith (Romans 12.3) However, we are urged to exercise this faith for the furtherance of the Kigdom of God.



As we learn to seek His kingdom and Righteousness first then all our desires too becomes conformed to that of Christ’s desires. Then God promises us that all our desires will be met, will come true.

 Then  we can have this assurance of all things we expect as well as be convinceed of the existence of all things we cannot see. Heb 11:1

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