Jesus – Not the son of God

Question : For me, Jesus is a most holy and wise prophet, who speaks the language of God Himself. However, I cannot view him as the Son of God. What is your view?

Answer :  I totally agree with you. I can agree with you because a son results from a man and woman relationship. No Christian believes in that sense that Jesus is the son of God. We call Him ‘Son of God’, in another, unique sense, as an emanation from the Creator. He is the Son because He bears the very stamp of God, as a man does of his father. He is the Son in the way He brims over with love and truth. In those ways we have no doubt that He is the Son of God.

Scripture identifies Him as the Son of God, equal to the Father in character and attributes: He is eternal, all-powerful, sovereign, and ever-present. The Bible also says He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things (Col. 1:16).

Jesus came to earth as the God-man for the purpose of saving mankind. Because He lived a perfect life, Christ is the only person in history qualified to pay the penalty for someone else’s sin. He secured our forgiveness and offers us the gift of salvation on the basis of faith.

One day Christ will sit as mankind’s ultimate, final judge. Those who have accepted His payment for their sins will live with Him forever.

Have you chosen to receive Christ’s offer of salvation? A transformed life now and an eternal kingdom in heaven await all who call Him Savior and King. If you’ve never made the wise decision to accept His free gift, why not do so now? Then rejoice in the fact that Jesus will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.