Blessings amidst Trials and Temptations

There are two types of conversations:

  1. Conversations we have with ourselves – our thoughts

Many of us have a running commentary going on in our head!!

2. Conversations we have with others – our spoken words

Ps 50.23 commands us to order our conversations aright.

  • Speak / think no evil of any man
  • Let every spoken word administer grace

When both our thoughts and our words are pleasing to God, then the Word of God promises we shall experience God’s saving grace even in the midst of trials and temptations.




Salvation Message in our Blood

Biblical Truth continues to amaze and strengthen me in my daily walk with God. Here’s something I am sure you’ll enjoy reading and strengthen you.

For many centuries learned men have argued about the statement “Life of the flesh is in the blood”.

[I have lost count of the times I have heard this verse from Leviticus 17.11 quoted, and I can’t say I have understood all the implications of this statement. Often I took the verse by faith mixed with the numerous statements that assured me that sin can be atoned for only by the shedding of pure, blameless blood, as represented in the sacrificial system of the OT and the final sacrifice of the perfect Lamb of God – Jesus. The word of God assured me that Jesus poured out his life blood to the last drop and paid the price for the sins of mankind including mine.]

Scientists have suggested various organs including the heart and brain carried this all important function. Blood was never even considered. In 1628, William Harvey an English Physician, proved that blood circulates from the heart and back to it, reaching all parts of the body thru arteries and veins. Blood circulation is a well known fact today.

Life-Sustaining Fluid
More recently, science has confirmed that the fluid called blood is uniquely life-sustaining. The statement ‘Life of the flesh is in the blood’, though written thousands of years ago in the sacred books of the Jews, is a scientifically sound and accurate statement. When blood is shut off from any organ, or group of cells, it results in the death of the organ or cells. Cells can neither live nor function without blood circulation. Blood provides cells with life-sustaining substances (oxygen, glucose, amino acids) and cleanses it of toxic substances (carbon dioxide, lactate, urea). If these toxic elements are not cleared from the cells, they would lead to the death of the cells. Indeed, the ‘life of the flesh is in the blood’.

Cleaning Agent
Blood is one of the most effective cleaning agents! (Bible students, does this ring any bell?) The cleansing process is a by-product of an exchange mechanism whereby the blood trades with the cells, life for death. (I hope the bells are ringing like crazy!)

The science of hematology helps us understand the amazing parallel truth in the Bible. Rev 1.5b says, ‘To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood’. This is no poetic language; this is spiritual fact describing the dynamic spiritual exchange process similar to the physical. When Christ Jesus shed His blood on the cross, He took our sins and sinful nature upon Him: 1 Peter 2.24 says, ‘He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree’, so that when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior we are cleansed from our toxic sin and receive instead His Life.

1 John 1.7 claims that “ the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin”

Blood also cleanses the heart. When a clot blocks any artery that carries blood to the heart, life is endangered. Jeremiah 17.9 says that the, ‘heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked’.  When cardiologists remove the clot, blood flows thru the cells of the heart and life is given likewise Jesus’ blood cleanses the wickedness of the heart and we receive Eternal Life.

Jesus – Not the son of God

Question : For me, Jesus is a most holy and wise prophet, who speaks the language of God Himself. However, I cannot view him as the Son of God. What is your view?

Answer :  I totally agree with you. I can agree with you because a son results from a man and woman relationship. No Christian believes in that sense that Jesus is the son of God. We call Him ‘Son of God’, in another, unique sense, as an emanation from the Creator. He is the Son because He bears the very stamp of God, as a man does of his father. He is the Son in the way He brims over with love and truth. In those ways we have no doubt that He is the Son of God.

Scripture identifies Him as the Son of God, equal to the Father in character and attributes: He is eternal, all-powerful, sovereign, and ever-present. The Bible also says He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things (Col. 1:16).

Jesus came to earth as the God-man for the purpose of saving mankind. Because He lived a perfect life, Christ is the only person in history qualified to pay the penalty for someone else’s sin. He secured our forgiveness and offers us the gift of salvation on the basis of faith.

One day Christ will sit as mankind’s ultimate, final judge. Those who have accepted His payment for their sins will live with Him forever.

Have you chosen to receive Christ’s offer of salvation? A transformed life now and an eternal kingdom in heaven await all who call Him Savior and King. If you’ve never made the wise decision to accept His free gift, why not do so now? Then rejoice in the fact that Jesus will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Party Time

Ever received an invitation to an extravagant wedding feast? Did you consider what your answer should be? Was it an ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’?


Once a king send out an invitation to the wedding banquet held in honor of his son. An invitation from a king is a great honor and is not to be refused. The honored guests were expected to arrive. According to custom, on the day of the feast, the slaves were sent out to remind the invited guests of the feast. However, instead of coming to the feast, the invited guests unanimously ‘began to excuse themselves’. Accepting the first invitation obliges the invitees to accept the second invitation and not to do so was the heights of insult.


The banquet was already prepared. The nobles of His kingdom had refused to come to His feast, so He opened His doors to the common man. The king ordered his slaves to go out and bring in forcefully if needed, the beggars, the lame, and the blind. Thus, instead of the noblemen of the kingdom, the commoner and the outcastes of the society became the honored guests of the wedding feast of the ages.


Yes this is a parable narrated by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew chapter 22. This is one of His ‘Kingdom parables’ and God the Father is represented here by the king and the invited guests are His ‘chosen people’ the Israelites. For the Jews, the Banquet is a symbol of salvation and they understood it as such from many prophesies including Isaiah 25:6-9. The Jews were confident that they would be part of this Banquet at the end times. However, Jesus uses this parable to tell them, that many of them will not be part of it of their own accord and that (surprise, surprise) gentiles and the social outcasts like the blind and the crippled will take part of the Banquet.


Apostle Paul explains the entire state of affairs as it effects us, in the most beautiful and understandable manner in full detail in the book of Romans, chapter 9 -11. Read it.


As Apostle Paul says, ‘Today is the acceptable day’ for you to say ‘Yes’ to the King. Today this post comes to you to remind you its party time. Accept the invitation and tell God, ‘Yes Father, I want to come to your Banquet, make me worthy.’ If you do, He is faithful and will adorn you with the most beautiful wedding party garment and personally escort you into the Banquet.



Its your responsibility

In Genesis 19 we see God giving Lot a chance to gather anyone who is a part of his household to escape the coming wrath. God is coming soon to gather His Bride and judge the nations. So hurry, gather everyone that belongs to you in the city and be ready to leave this world. Its your responsibility.


The extend of Lot’s household is not determined by God but by Lot. Likwise, the extend of your household is not determined by God but by YOU.  To read more