When you sin, does Romans 8.28 still apply?

Does god bless everyone, both believers, and non-believers alike?

God is a God who blesses. He blesses both believers, and non-believers, but obedience is the condition – obedience to His commands. When a non-believer – even without any knowledge of God’s commands – is obedient, he benefits from the promised blessing. For example, the commandment to honor your parents Eph 6: 1-3 Many non-believers reap the blessing for honoring their parents.

It is true however that the children of God can expet preferential treatment. Let me illustrate.

Romans 8.28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

The Word of God promises all things (even negative circumstances) for the good / will turn into an advantage for those who love God and are called by Him (His Children).

Children of God often experience adverse circumstances. (Being a believer is no guarantee that there will be no trouble – John 17.15, Psalm 34:19) But despite the adversities, a child of God experiences not only heavenly peace (Shalom) but the adverse situation / person / circumstance works to his / her advantage.

I have a few past ‘negative’ experiences I have yet to figure out the advantage thereof, but the great many that have since turned to my advantage prove the authenticity of God promise in Romans 8.28.

Even when I have to suffer because of a sin I committed, even then God’s arm reaches out and changes the circumstances into my advantage. This is a privilege only children of God can claim. That’s why beloved it says ALL things (even the things that happen due to your sin) happen for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to his purpose. (Like Apostle Paul let me also caution you from sinning because of this concession – Rom 6: 1-2 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means!)

You are naked…

Ever since our first parents disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, man goes thru life naked and exposed to the wiles and mischief of the evil one.  We are in urgent  need of a cover and protection.

After disobeying God, Adam and Eve’s first reaction was to cover up rather than confess. Fig leaves can never hide the root problem of sin, but even today, instead of acknowledging and confessing sin, we still try to fix it ourselves. (Genesis 3.7)

Adam and Eve’s second response was to avoid God. They knew they were guilty of disobeying, and instead of coming to Him to reestablish their relationship, they hid from Him in fear (Genesis 3. 8). We do the same when we avoid prayer and time in the Scriptures while struggling with sin.

Their third reaction was to try and avoid personal responsibility by blaming others (Genesis 3. 12-13). Before God, we are each responsible for our actions, regardless of the circumstances or who else is involved.

Despite Adam and Eve’s sin and their evasive actions the Lord came to them(Genesis 3.9) Our sin is never large enough to keep Him away. Our Father still calls to us and asks, “Where are you?”. He knows what we have done and why, but He questions us so that we can come to realize our desperate state.

Never let guilt or shame keep you from God. He seeks sinners and those who have made a mess of their life and reaches out to them through His Word, His Spirit, and His people. Forgiveness and a restored relationship await all who will listen and respond with confession and repentance.

Go away from me, Lord

“When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, ‘Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!'” (Luke 5:8-9).

Peter was going about his work-day trying to earn a living with his fishing business. Jesus showed up on the shoreline after they’d had a bad day. Jesus asked to use his boat by casting off the shoreline in order to teach the people. 

After Jesus used Peter’s business for His purposes, He turned to Peter and suggested he throw his nets out again.  Though reluctant and argumentative, Peter obeys. When Peter’s nets are filled with fish–a strange awareness comes over him. Peter was overwhelmed at the personal love and power that was directed specifically at his need at the moment–his ailing business. It was more than he could handle.

Whenever we have a genuine encounter with the living Christ, we are confronted with our own humanity and sin compared to the unmerited love and power of Jesus Christ that is personally directed to us. It then brings us to our knees.

Life is never the same after you have a personal encounter with Jesus. If you need a personal encounter with your Savior, ask Him today to reveal His power in your work.