Three problems, One solution


Today let us meditate on 1 John 1. 9

This is a familiar, oft quoted verse, but few grasp the full impact of the entire verse. Though we quote the entire verse, too often we are contended with the first part of the verse – the assurance that if we confess our sins God will forgive our sins. But soon enough we find ourselves confessing the same sin over and over again. We feel a separation from God and the people of God. We feel unclean. Why is this? Is there some mistake in the word of God? Why else would I feel this way?

In the post Lies & Truth I deal with how when we know the Truth we are set free. This feeling of separation, guilt and filth is also the result of not knowing the Truth.

 As fallen mankind we often sense a separation from God, a guilty conscience, and accusation from satan. How do we overcome these?

A. Separation from God

SIN separates us from God. After Adam sinned God had to go in search of Adam Genesis 3.9. Our sins have separated us from God Isaiah 59:2.

 Separation Solution

Hebrews 9.22 gives us the solution. “………everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness”.  

In the book of Exodus we see God saying to the Israelites, “when I see the blood, I will pass over (protect, hover over) you”.  The only condition for God to become their protector was the shed blood, not their prayer, their righteousness, any penance they did or their race. 

The Passover lamb was a picture of Christ Jesus – the real Passover Lamb (John 1.29).  So now whenever we sin, we must confess our sins to God and believe that the blood of Jesus takes away our sins. (1 John 1.9) Even though you cannot see the blood, you can believe its effectiveness. The Israelites were within their homes while the blood was without, they could not see the blood yet the blood protected them from destruction.

So whenever you sin, confess your sin to God and believe that the blood of the Jesus has taken away that sin. Do not worry about your feelings or lack of feeling. The Blood of Christ is for God’s satisfaction, not yours. God esteems the blood of Jesus enough to forget your sins. It should be enough for you too.

B. Guilty conscience

Having confessed your sin, God is no longer offended at you and you have paid the price of sin through Jesus death. But your conscience is guilt filled. What do we do?

Solution for Guilty conscience

Hebrews 9.14 reminds us that the blood of Christ is powerful to cleanse our conscience of all guilty stains. This is why 1 John 1.9 says, “if we confess our sins ………[he will] cleanse us of all unrighteousness”. Psalm 103.12 reminds us that God removes our sins infinitely far away from us. When God forgives, he also forgets. He will never remind you of it again. Let us not resurrect them.

Through the blood of Jesus the problem of guilt is also solved.

C. Accusation of satan

You have confessed your sins before God, you have received forgiveness and you know your conscience has been washed clean of guilt. However, sometimes you continue to have this nagging feeling inside of you, as though everything is not yet settled. You search your conscience and you know there are no unconfessed sins and yet you cannot shake off this feeling. You feel as though you cannot approach the throne of grace nor fellowship with fellow believers. So is there a residue of sin blotting your image from God. Absolutely Not! This is the clear work of satan the accuser of the brethren ( Revelation 12.10, Job 1. 9-11, Zechariah 3.1) He resists your relationship with God by accusing you constantly.

Recognize God’s promptings and satan’s accusations

• When satan accuses you, you detect a heavy drain in your spirit. You assume you should not approach God in your current state. What a laugh. When God exposes your sin, you feel exposed and wounded, nevertheless you feel drawn towards God rather than pushed away.

• When God speaks, He speaks about / deals with specific problems. He never generalizes. With satan the accusations, uneasiness are often a general feeling. However this need not be the case every time.

• God’s demands are met as soon as you confess and plead the blood of Jesus. He does not demand you to confess and repent again and again abut the same sin situation. But the evil one would like nothing better than to drag you around, confessing and repenting over and over bringing you to a state of discouragement and dissolution.

Solution to satan’s accusation

Having confessed and repented of you sin, stand on the word of God. Speak out 1 John 1.9 to every accusing thought and feeling for Revelation 12.11 assures us that we overcome satan with the blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ) and the word of our testimony. The word of our testimony is our declaration that the blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us of our sins and that this blood has defeated satan. Thus we overcome this demonic accusation.


So having been forgiven through the blood of Jesus, let us draw near to God moment by moment, day by day with confidence.

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