Was ‘The Flood’ Necessary?

Created for fellowship, God made man in His own image. But man soon turned his back upon his Maker and worshipped the creature more than the Creator. It was not long before, the human race was being polluted by this abominable union with demons. It seemed that Hell and Earth were in league against the God of Heaven. And God’s righteous anger was such that He regretted having made man. Genesis 6.6

Genesis 6:9 also says that Noah was “blameless among the people of his time.” The Hebrew word used here for ‘blameless’ means “without blemish” as in Exodus 12:5, 29:1 & Leviticus 1:3. Just as the sacrificial lamb had to be without any physical blemish, so was Noah’s perfection. In its primary meaning, it refers not to any moral or spiritual quality, but to physical purity.

Noah’s bloodline had remained free of genetic contamination.

This implies, of course, that all the other families on Earth had been contaminated by the Nephilim. It also proves that the assault of Satan on the human race had been far more extensive than realized. It was nothing less than the demonic realm attempting to pervert the human world by genetic control and the production of hybrids.

If satan had succeeded in his diabolic scheme, he would have hindered the coming of the perfect Son of God, the promised “seed of the woman,” who would defeat Satan and restore man’s dominion (Genesis 3:15). If Satan had by any means prevented that Birth, he would obviously have averted his own doom as well as sealed our doom. Satan did succeed to a large extent. It was for this reason that God drowned mankind in the Deluge.

Praise God for The Flood!! Romans 8.28


Aside : If you are still wondering what I am babbling about, I suggest you read Genesis chap 6 J