Forgotten by All

In Genesis 40 we read the story of Joseph, son of Jacob. He was a lot less than twenty years old when he landed in Egypt by a ‘divine- human plan’. He was thirty years when Pharaoh appointed him to be the governor of Egypt (41:46). The life of Joseph in Egypt was never smooth as a slave and away from his father and brothers and native place. He was afflicted mentally, emotionally and physically. He himself says when Ephraim, his second son was born, “For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction” (41:52).

Though Joseph was worthy to be honored Potiphar put him in prison believing his wife’s version of the story (39:1-20). This situation was potential enough to shatter his faith in God and to drive him to deep disappointment with God and every thing else.  But through the long years we see Joseph trusting God to vindicate him. meanwhile, God was working out his plan for Joseph when the chief butler and the chief baker of King Pharaoh offended the king their master (40:1-3). By the divine planning of God, they both ended up in the same prison where Joseph was confined (v.3-4). It was by the same divine plan both of them had dreams in the same night.   And it happened that Joseph observed their miserable countenance and asked them the reason. Joseph’s statement, “Do not interpretation belong to God? Tell them to me please” (v. 8), tells us that though his situation did have the potential to discourage him terribly, he still kept his hope in God though he never knew how God would come to his rescue. This is what his grand father Abraham also did- ‘contrary to hope in hope believed’ (Rom. 4: 18).

Joseph interpreted the dream of the chief butler and then he requested him a favor. Since he will be released by Pharaoh, Joseph asked him to do what he can to save him from the prison house (v.14). This shows Joseph’s absolute confidence in the interpretation he had received from God. Joseph’s request was legitimate. Joseph believed his rescue will happen through this butler!  But he was fooled. “The chief butler did not remember Joseph but forgot him” (v. 23). After the butler was released, Joseph must have been counting the days to his release for he believed the butler would recommend him to the Pharaoh. How painful to Joseph when he realized that the butler has forgotten him! That was what happened-he forgot Joseph! 

Why did the butler forget Joseph? Perhaps it was a human error. But God had something divine to accomplish through the butler’s forgetfulness. If Pharaoh had released him, Joseph would have returned to his place at the earliest. But that was not God’s plan for Joseph. That was why the butler forgot Joseph; so that he might remember Joseph in the appropriate time so as to fulfill the plan of God for Joseph and the whole of Israel! And that is exactly what had happened. The butler’s forgetfulness led Joseph to deep distress but his remembrance of Joseph in God’s appointed time led him to be the ruler and savior of the land.

Could God have give Pharaoh a dream the day after the butler was released thus speeding up Joseph’s release? Sure, He could. But God delayed and let Joseph continue in prison for some more time. Why? Only the sovereign God knows. But we can speculate. Probably it was necessary for God’s preparation of Joseph to be the ruler of Egypt. Maybe Joseph needed to spend some more time in prison thereby equipping him with sensitivity for even the hardened criminals inhabiting there. This may have helped him govern the nation much better.


Have you ever wondered, “Why did he/ she/they forget me?” For a child of God, even people’s forgetfulness, slight, marginalization, isolation or sidelining could be means through which God accomplishes His divine plans. When everyone forgot Moses, God sends him to Egypt with his mission. God remembers even when people forget. He remembers us and the good works we have done in his name due to our devotion to God and gives us his rewards in due time (Hebrews 6:10). Let us never loose heart when people forget us. Take heart for God is accomplishing his plans for us.