Not Guilty!

We all make mistakes. We all have regrets. We have all dealt with guilty consciecnce.

How can you get rid of your guilt? Medical science says, ‘You can’t. You’ve got to learn to live with it.’ The Word of God  assures that you can rid yourself of your guilt. Just Confess to God everything. God promises that when we confess, He forgives us instantly, totally, completely, freely, and continuously.

God wants to forgive you. You don’t have to beg for forgiveness: “God, please, pretty please with sugar on it!” You don’t have to bargain: “God, if You forgive me, I will never do it again.” You don’t have to bribe: “God, if You’ll forgive me, I promise to always read my Bible.” You simply believe you are forgiven.

Confess, Get the verdit of  ‘Not Guilty” , Today, Now.

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